Alesandra Seepersaud

Walk 100 Miles in June Challenge

My Activity Tracking


My target 100 mi

I'm supporting The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Please join me in supporting The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) by making a donation to my fundraising campaign. Thanks to your support, my efforts, will help fund the therapies and treatments and help save lives today.

LLS's continued advancements over the years, are responsible for the blood cancer survival rate doubling and tripling; in some cases, the survival rate has even quadrupled.

And many LLS supported therapies not only help blood cancer patients but are now used to treat patients with rare forms of stomach and skin cancers. They're even being tested in clinical trials for patients with a range of cancers including lung, brain, breast, pancreatic and prostate cancers. LLS funded drugs are now being tested for patients with other non-cancerous diseases like Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Multiple Sclerosis.

We really are changing the face of blood cancer!

All donations are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible. They'll not only support LLS research but patient services, advocacy, public and professional education, and community services as well.

Please visit my Web site often and bring friends who would also like to donate!

On behalf of blood cancer patients everywhere I thank you for your support!
For more information about LLS, please visit

My Achievements

Added Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Created Fundraising Page

Increased Fundraising Goal

Reached Fundraising Target

Received First Donation

My Updates

Why I am walking…

Sunday 19th May

Please join me in supporting The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) by making a donation to my fundraising campaign and getting registered yourself for the 100 mile walking challenge in June to support LSS. Thanks to your support, my efforts, will help fund the different type of therapies and treatments to help save lives. 

My mom has SLL/CLL small lymphatic lymphoma/ lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). CLL/SLL is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes too many lymphocytes (a type of white blood cells). CLL is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. And SLL lymphoma is cancerous B cells that are primarily found in the affected person’s lymph nodes and lymphoid tissues, such as the spleen.

My mom was diagnosed with CLL/SLL  some years ago but we recently found out she is needing to start treatment. With God on her side along with a great team of doctors, nurses, family and friends supporting her I am believing she will get through these next few months of treatment and be in remission in no time.  As of right now CLL is NOT yet a curable cancer, but the treatment options have a high success rate is what we’ve been told by her doctors. 

I decided to do this fundraiser and walk the 100 miles in June to support my Mom, and others diagnose and fighting different types of Blood cancers. My hope to raise money to help support more research, and help pay for the therapies & treatments to save lives all around the world. 

I hope you would consider joining me by participating and walking 100 miles in June, or by donating and sharing my page with others. Below you will find my page where you can donate, share and also register for free the 100 mile walking challenge this coming June! 

You can also help by keeping my mom in your prayers, if you know her send her a uplifting and encouraging message. My family thanks you greatly for your love and support. 💕

Thank you, 


Thank you to my Sponsors


Jim Jorissen

Thanks and blessings to all!!


Carla Hauge

Would love to walk with you Sandra!


Alesandra Seepersaud


Tamara Root


Kate Shelton

With love & prayers for Chris💕💕💕


Sandy And Bob Jones


Eileen Hable


Auntie Janeen

Thank you for doing this for all people with this illness especially your sweet dear mom, we love Chris so much!! Our hearts and deep prayers go out to her💜💐🙏


Bre Doan

Sending prayers and hugs 🤍


Lynda Jones

Be strong, Lady. You've got this!


Jennifer Armstrong


Shannon Rhoades

Sandra, please give my love to your mom! I will keep her in my prayers ❤️


Michelle Miller

Sandra, I'm familiar w/the leukemia/lymphoma fund raisers and walks. I had a very close friend that suffered from this as well. My prayers are with your mom and family.


David Jorissen

I commend your work and effort in this fundraiser, as noone like to ever hear about any form of cancer. My thoughts and prayers to family. ❤️


Kathleen Webb Ferro

Keeping you all in our prayers! Love, Kathleen


Michelle Roy

Thank you Sandra for taking action and raising this money! Wishing you a fulfilling 100 miles and the very best for your mom.

